Quality control is an essential part of the plastic film manufacturing process. It ensures that the final product is uniform and meets the desired specifications. Quality control also helps to identify any variations in the finished plastic or polyester film, so that the cause of the variation can be determined. FTIR analysis is often used in material testing, as it is sensitive, simple, and fast.
It can identify organic and some inorganic materials in sizes as small as 10 to 20 microns. ESCA is another option for analyzing the surface of a polymer to detect possible contaminants or identify stains. It provides a detailed breakdown of the elemental composition with detection limits of approximately 0.1 percent atomic. The characteristics of a polymer, such as average molecular weight, degree of cross-linking, and chemical composition, affect its final physical properties.
Therefore, raw materials, process equipment, and final products need to be tested frequently to ensure that specifications are met. If the temperature of the extruder is high, the viscosity of the plastic is reduced and the fluidity is too large, resulting in poor opening of the film and instability in production. On the other hand, if the temperature of the extruder is low, it can lead to poor plasticizing of the eutectic point and cloudiness in the film, as well as decreased elongation when it breaks. It is important to have accurate thickness measurement systems in your plastic film quality control laboratory.
This is where customers can go when they have questions about a product. The influence of incoming flow on the film tube blown under cooling line parts should be monitored to prevent fluctuations caused by air flow disturbance. It is essential for manufacturers to monitor their quality controls to ensure that their plastic films meet all specifications. SolveTech has been providing manufacturing companies with plastic film quality control solutions for more than three decades.
For more information on other testing capabilities or to learn how IEF can meet your film needs, contact your local film expert.